I'm never sure about gratuities for massage services. What should I tip?
Massage therapists working in spas don't usually receive the full fee charged for their services. They work on a percentage split with the spa owner or receive a salary. If you are visiting a spa, tipping is common (15-20 percent) and therapists may depend on tips for their income, just as restaurant servers do.
Your solo practitioner will likely appreciate tips as well, although not all massage settings accept tips (a doctor's office with a practitioner who offers massage, for example). Bottom line is, if you feel like tipping, offer. If you don't feel tipping is appropriate, don't.
Body Hair
Female clients always apologize to me when they haven't shaved their legs. That's totally unnecessary. I really don't care. What really impresses me, though, is when a pregnant lady has smooth legs. Wow! When my wife was pregnant, she couldn't bend over, much less lift a leg!
What should I do when I feel ticklish on the massage table?
Some people are sensitive to particular techniques, which make them feel uncomfortable and want to giggle.
If that happens, your therapist may use a broader stroke or deeper pressure so it doesn't tickle. In the unlikely event you're still way too ticklish with those variations, the therapist can skip that part of the body and concentrate on less sensitive areas. It's your massage, so you can dictate what works and
what doesn't. Be sure to tell your therapist beforehand about any sensitive or particularly ticklish areas of your body so he or she can accommodate you more effectively.
Isn't it true that massage has to hurt to do any good?
Massage does not have to hurt to help. You can gain therapeutic benefits from a relaxing
massage, which doesn't hurt a bit, or you can seek out more aggressive treatment options, which can cause some discomfort. Trigger point therapy and friction are examples of techniques, which are briefly uncomfortable, but very helpful for many conditions. If you don't want heavy pressure, say so. Massage therapists want to help you. If you're wincing under the pressure and tightening up, that will work against the goals of massage, which is to invite your body to relax, reduce pain, increase well-being, and have long, supple muscles. Massage therapists aren't in the torture business. Let your therapist know what feels good and what doesn't. Recognize that your needs and pain threshold might change with each visit.
From the male client: What if I get an erection during a massage?
It rarely occurs, but if it does, don't panic. Sometimes as a result of your nervous system going into
relaxation mode (or because of certain medications) erections happen. Therapists know that this is a physiological reaction and will treat the situation accordingly. Usually your therapist will try to redirect your attention with a shift in the focus of his or her work, maybe by altering pressure or moving to a different area of your body. Your unintended erection, and any embarrassment, will soon pass. If ejaculation come super easy to you let me know right away.
Any more unspoken questions for your therapist? Ask. Your honesty will strengthen your therapeutic bond with your caregiver and let you deepen your relaxation time and feeling of healing. And that's what it's all about: You.
Body Types
What do we think if we have an obese or rail-thin client? It really doesn't matter. One body type isn't more difficult than the other. The only time I'm a little uncomfortable is when a very thin person wants really deep pressure; then, it kind of hurts the elbows a bit.Â
Do we see cellulite? We all have it, so no biggie. What about scars or previous surgeries The only thing that concerns me about that is if it's OK to massage over them. The other massage therapists I've spoken to have told me that they never see skin — only muscle tissue and knots.
Please shower before your Session I've had clients come in all sweaty and say, "I just had great workout! Phew!" Phew, indeed. Sweaty skin is gross.
And your feet! Don't run around barefoot with caked on garden dirt on them without wiping them down if possible. If I can smell your feet while sitting at your head, well we'll have to have a little talk.